Pearl Drums and Drum Sets - Pearl History - Dedicated to The Pearl Drum Company

Pearl Drum Company Articles and History

Welcome to the Pearl Drum Experts Collection of articles. Click on an image to go to the page that features the article or history.

So please check back often and email us any questions you might have.

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1983 Pearl Flyer
Pearl Drum Set Catalogs
Pearl Catalog History



Company names and logos are copyright their respective owners

The Pearl Drum Experts is not affiliated with the Pearl Drum Company. This web site is about new and vintage Pearl drums and the history around them. We have an extensive collection of Pearl catalogs and Pearl history. We have Pearl snare drum catalog scans and Pearl drum set catalog scans.


Disclosure: The owner of this website, The Drum Experts, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and eBay Partner Network, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking The Drum Experts to Amazon and eBay properties including.

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